fot1Matias Flury is from Argentina, and has lived in Costa Rica, Guatemala, India, and California. He has been studying meditation and pranayama for more than 25 years beginning with his Japanese teacher Nakazato, then progressing on to the Quan Yin method With Ching Hai, Kundalini Yoga with Anandi Ma and Deleepji.

He had many Tibetan budhist teachers, and other Indian teachers leaving in caves.

Matias has always been interested in the many aspects of cleansing the body and mind through fasting and has an extensive amount of knowledge and experience with this subject. He began his journey of Ashtanga yoga with Tim Miller in 1993. In 1995 he went to India for 6 months and studied Ashtanga Yoga with Sri K. Pattabi Jois, Pranayama (Kriya yoga) with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and while staying at this ashram he taught yoga asanas to the young Brahman students. Matias continued his journey of meditation with his guru Amritananda Mayi Ma.


He is passionate about yoga and all of its aspects. Matias taught yoga at Scripps Hospital in San Diego for 7 years. Helping doctors, chemists, and pharmacists to relieve stress. In the same hospital he taught a rehabilitation class for patients.

He taught classes at 7 local high schools that included a rehab program for students who were quitting drugs. Here he was the yoga coordinator and worked in synchronization with the Tobacco Free Youth Foundation. The yoga asanas and breathing exercises, where used for maintaining balance and self-awareness for these recovering adolescents.



2006 Tiruvanamali India ~ Chelsea, Werner, Matias.

Matias assisted Tim Miller for more than 14 years with his morning Mysore style classes and substituted for Tim every time he was out of town. He conducted a meditation and pranayama class at the Ashtanga yoga center by donation. He also taught Mysore and Intro to First Series classes in the Astanga Yoga Uptown centers, in San Diego, Hillcrest and Point Loma. He directed invigorating retreats at local hot springs and beautiful mountain settings in Southern California, Costa Rica, Hawaii, London, Holland, Italy, Portugal, etcetera.




November 1995 Matias in front of Meditation Hut in Amritapuri Ashram India
November 1995 Matias in front of Meditation Hut in Amritapuri Ashram India

His love for yoga is apparent in his unique approach to teaching; he works with each student at his or her individual level of experience and comfort. In Costa Rica he designed 10 minute short sequences for factory workers at JACKS CO. where they took a 10 minute break every 2 hours to perform the asanas. He was involved in a program at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) treating asthmatics; they used yoga asanas and pranayamas (breath control) to reverse the asthma symptoms and attacks.

Lama Dundup and Matias in Costa Rica 2004
Lama Dundup and Matias in Costa Rica 2004








April 1996 Matias and S.K. Pattabi Jois in Mysore India
April 1996 Matias and S.K. Pattabi Jois in Mysore India

He also teaches and volunteers at orphanages, and conducts retreats to donate money to help support these orphanages.

Soul and Godhead are one: there the soul finds that she is the kingdom of God. Meister Eckhart (2)

January 2004 Chelsea, Matias and Tim Miller
January 2004 Chelsea, Matias and Tim Miller

‘The exploration of the self is constantly happening in our daily life, whether willfully or unconscious. Everyone’s fate and providence is to apprehend the truth within one self. The Self that sits in the hearts of all, like a ghost, summons us with care and insight. I [the Supreme Person] am seated in the heart of all” Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, 15:15 (3)














The two questions. Somebody asked me one day a few questions that made me grow.

fot101-Which style of yoga is the best? At this point my mind went empty and I understood there is no such thing as the best yoga system, we are all here for the evolution of consciousness, all methods and religions were created with this root purpose, each individual will benefit no matter what religion or yoga system they practice, the problem lies when we think this style or that style is better, then we’re under the claws of the ego and the real purpose is lost.

Just imagine yourself walking in the most dangerous town of your city and instead of drug dealers, crack addicts, robberies and so forth, you see people sitting, meditating peacefully and practicing any particular style. Would you then question if they are practicing the right style, or just be happy that they are actually practicing something and we as a whole are evolving to a new horizon.


fot112-Someone else asked me which asana overwhelmed me the most and which asana I wish to accomplish and who impressed me the most. I got lost in my thoughts and I understood that in the past there was some kind of ambition around learning asanas that bubbled inside me like boiling water, and I thought back then, that I could accomplish enlightenment faster if I learned more asanas and advanced pranayamas faster, but now I feel that that fire got extinguished for good and that my only strong wish, is to sit and be in peace in every situation that life presents. Here I remember a story someone told me, and this story and person really impressed me deeply.


November 2011( L-R) Chelsea, Matias, Palden Gyatso, Lee and June

There was a Rimpoche Palden Gyatso, that was imprisoned when China invaded Tibet. Tortured physically and mentally day and night for 33 years, his fellow monk friends were tortured and assassinated. After he was liberated he traveled incognito to India and the Dalai Lama arranged a meeting with him. The Dalai Lama’s question was: ~What was the worst thing you experienced while in prison ?~ He thought for a while and retort; “The worst thing was that I almost lost my love and compassion towards my brothers and sisters from China” If there is something or someone that really impressed me, it is this wise Rimpoche’s compassion and love for everyone, even for his own torturers.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. Mahatma Gandhi.